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W. Glenn Yarborough, Jr.
Former President and CEO, Allied Research Corporation
Fairfax, Virginia
Barbara Pate Glacel
Barbara Pate Glacel is an executive coach with experience in coaching C-level executives and senior leadership teams from over twenty-five nations in the United States, Canada, Europe, South Africa, New Zealand and Asia. She has worked with executives in many industries, to include high tech production and service, aerospace, biotechnology, telecommunications, consulting, as well as NGOs and government organizations. She is the author of three books and numerous articles on leadership and executive coaching. She lives in Brussels, Belgium and Washington, DC.
Dr. Glacel has been active in the business community as both a corporate leader and a business consultant. At The Hay Group in Washington, D.C., she managed the group of professionals who developed and presented leadership training programs for organizations around the world. At ARCO Alaska, she developed and led efforts to increase productivity in a business environment where all jobs were shared and hostile environmental conditions made progress difficult.
Dr. Glacel has been associated with the Center for Creative Leadership since 1985, working with CCL to train senior leaders, design programs and simulations, and coach executives in North America, Europe and Asia. In 1988, she founded VIMA International—The Leadership Group, where she served as CEO until 2000. VIMA International presented leadership development programs and business simulations to companies on four continents.
Dr. Glacel is a frequent public speaker, appearing on radio and television programs, and is co-author of Light Bulbs for Leaders, a book on which she developed a series of team development training programs.
Dr. Glacel holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and an M.A. in Human Relations, both from the University of Oklahoma (USA), and an A.B. in Government from the College of William and Mary in Virginia (USA). Her working language is English, and she speaks conversational French and German.
Member of the Great Enterprises Consortium
